The ABC11 Vaccine Tracker shows that about 5.1 million people across Illinois are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of May 31. About 7 million people statewide have received at least one dose.

Statewide, ABC11’s analysis shows the number of people fully vaccinated is about 40.2% of all Illinois residents.

The data shows the share of Illinois residents 12 or over who are now fully vaccinated is about 47%. In May, the federal government approved the first vaccines for people ages 12-15, but it remains unavailable to children under 12.

You can search every vaccine provider with shots available today in Illinois in our searchable map below.

How is Illinois doing getting everyone vaccinated?

The pace of vaccinations has slowed. Over the last seven days, the data shows an average of 26,221 people per day became fully vaccinated, compared to 39,658 people per day the seven days before that. That’s a change of -33.9%.

You can see the percentage of all people vaccinated day-by-day in the chart below.

The CDC data is updated daily, but the agency says its total number of vaccinations could be behind actual doses administered by up to 72 hours based on when it receives data from state and local health departments.

What’s happening in my Illinois county?

You can look up the progress thus far in every Illinois county below. Start typing your county name in the search bar to find it faster. These county totals, from the CDC, include doses from state and federal government providers and only include the county’s residents. The Cook County total includes the City of Chicago.

Where can I get vaccinated?

At least 1,695 pharmacies, medical facilities and other providers have vaccines in stock across Illinois. You can search all of them in our live map, which pulls data every morning from the VaccineFinder system at the CDC’s

The yellow and green circles show clusters of locations. If you click them, the map will zoom in to show individual locations. Clicking a red marker will show the vaccine location’s name, address and ways to get more information online or by phone.

You can use the search button at top right to zoom to your address or zip code.

Source: VaccineFinder, Boston Children’s Hospital. Data ©2021. Boston Children’s Hospital. All rights reserved.

If you want to learn more about how state officials are administering vaccines, you can go here to see the state’s explanation of its plans here.